OOH Advertising Impacts Art Sales
As consumers grow weary of digital devices, sparked by forced home stays in 2020, out-of-home (OOH) advertising is increasing. The marketing channel dropped off an estimated $1.3 billion in 2020, after global citizens were required to stay at home. Some experts predict 10 to 12 percent growth in OOH by year end. OOH makes up nearly 30 percent of media planning, as recently consumers are leaving home as much as possible. Since 45 percent of consumers are paying more attention to OOH ads, prints, and posters are a major part of creative strategies for art galleries, seeking to draw to clients.
Galleries are inspired with creative ideas for reaching consumers traveling outside the home in a number of ways. The creative is often influenced by the campaign’s goals and target market, including the specific audience, community, or region. Posters and prints are usually part of an integrated marketing plan, which includes digital and broadcast marketing to maximize the art seller’s return on investment.
One theme across all channels helps the company to create a layered marketing experience for consumers, who receive focused messaging about art inside and out of the home. Passing billboards and posters with similar ads reinforces messages that the prospect may have already received by television or newspaper.
With OOH as the core of the advertising messaging, an online gallery may use outside marketing to refer consumers to websites, virtual reality, or social media links, which further condition the prospect to purchase from a website. Roadside displays incorporate large print to help consumers to see ads from a long distance. Creative tools, such as lighting, 3D, and bold messaging, enhances the ad’s ability to impact or convert the consumer.
Whether an ad reaches consumers from bench, on a bus, or at the side of the roadway, prospective buyers remember the brand from repetitive engagement. Other channels for art advertising include sponsorship of events, mall ads, and meeting consumers on the street. OOH advertising allows for location-specific targeting, relying on the increasing flow of consumers to trigger customer responses to beautiful prints or original artwork. Keeping it simple is the best way to draw attention, as ads with short messages will get noticed better than ads with multiple messages.
A bold focal point will make pedestrians and drivers pay attention to OOH ads. By using concise, entertaining copy and contrasting colors, the marketer may create a memorable advertisement, which converts the consumer, prompting him or her to purchase.